Get started with your favorite apps in seconds
WordPress is a versatile platform that can be used to create a wide variety of business websites.
WORDPRESS HOSTINGOpenCart is a cost-effective way for businesses to create and manage an online store.
OPENCART HOSTINGDrupal is a powerful and flexible CMS that makes it easy to manage complex websites.
DRUPAL HOSTINGJoomla! is a user-friendly platform that can be used to create a wide variety of websites.
Aardvark Topsites |
AbanteCart |
Admidio |
Adminer |
Advanced Guestbook |
Advanced Poll |
Agora-Project |
AJAX Chat |
AlegroCart |
Ampache |
AmpJuke |
AngularJS |
Arastta |
Arfooo |
ArticleSetup |
ATutor |
Avactis |
Axis |
b2evolution |
bbPress |
Beatz |
Beehive |
BellaBook |
BlaB |
BlackNova Traders |
Blesta |
Booked |
Bootstrap |
BoxBilling |
Brushtail |
Bugs |
Burden |
CakePHP |
ccMail |
Chamilo |
Chevereto Free |
Chive |
Chyrp |
CJ Dynamic Poll |
Claroline |
ClientExec |
ClipBucket |
CodeIgniter |
Codiad |
Collabtive |
Commentics |
Coppermine |
CubeCart |
CumulusClips |
Dada Mail |
DoceboLMS |
Dojo |
Dokeos |
DokuWiki |
Dolibarr |
Dolphin |
Dotclear |
dotProject |
DropzoneJs |
EasyPoll |
eFront |
eggBlog |
EGroupware |
Elgg |
ElkArte |
Elycharts |
EspoCRM |
eSyndiCat |
Etano |
Eventum |
ExoPHPDesk |
Ext JS |
ExtCalendar |
eXtplorer |
eyeOS |
Family Connections |
Faveo Helpdesk |
Feed On Feeds |
Feng Office |
FlatPress |
Flot |
FluxBB |
Flyspray |
Form Tools |
FreshRSS |
FrontAccounting |
FUDforum |
FuelPHP |
Gallery |
Gibbon |
GNU social |
GPixPixel |
Gregarius |
Group Office |
Hablator |
Help Center Live |
HelpDeskZ |
HelpDEZk |
HTML Purifier |
HumHub |
iGalerie |
Impleo |
InfiniteWP |
Invoice Ninja |
InvoicePlane |
iQDesk |
Jcow |
jobberBase |
JoobsBox |
Jorani |
jqPlot |
jQuery |
jsMorph |
JSZip |
Kanboard |
Kimai |
Kohana |
kPlaylist |
Laravel |
Lazarus |
LetoDMS |
LifeType |
LimeSurvey |
LiteCart |
Little Software Stats |
LittlePoll |
Live helper chat |
Loaded Commerce |
Logaholic |
Logic Invoice |
LuxCal |
Lychee |
Magento |
Maian Support |
Mantis Bug Tracker |
Mautic |
MediaWiki |
Mibew Messenger |
miniBB |
MochiKit |
Modernizr |
Monsta FTP |
Moodle |
MooTools |
Movable Type |
Multiplayer Checkers |
my little forum |
MyBB |
MyWebSQL |
Nibbleblog |
Nucleus |
Omeka |
Open Blog |
Open Conference Systems |
Open eShop |
Open Journal Systems |
Open Monograph Press |
Open Source Point of Sale |
Open Source Social Network |
Open Web Analytics |
OpenBiblio |
OpenBiz Cubi |
OpenCart |
OpenDocMan |
OpenNewsletter |
OrangeHRM |
OSClass |
osCmax |
osCommerce |
osTicket |
Oxwall |
PageCookery |
PaintbrushJS |
PeoplePods |
pH7CMS |
Phorum |
PHP Address Book |
PHP QR Code |
php.JS |
phpAlbum |
phpBB |
phpBook |
phpCOIN |
phpCollab |
PHPDevShell |
phpDocumentor |
phpESP |
PHPfileNavigator |
phpFormGenerator |
phpFreeChat |
PhpGedView |
phpicalendar |
PHPKode Guestbook |
phpLD |
phpList |
phpLiteAdmin |
PHPlot |
phpMyAdmin |
phpMyFAQ |
phpOnline |
PHProjekt |
PHPWeby |
PivotX |
Piwigo |
Piwik |
Pixelpost |
Pixie |
Plogger |
PmWiki |
Podcast Generator |
poMMo |
Postfix Admin |
PrestaShop |
Prismotube Express |
Privacy Policy Generator |
ProjectPier |
ProjectSend |
Prototype |
PunBB |
Pydio |
qdPM |
Question2Answer |
Quick.Cart |
RainLoop Webmail |
Raphael |
Reader Self |
Revive Adserver |
RicarGBooK |
Rico |
RockMongo |
Roundcube |
Rukovoditel |
Sales Syntax | |
Scripty2 |
selfoss |
Sentrifugo |
Seo Panel |
SeoToaster Ecommerce |
Serendipity |
Shadows Rising |
ShopSite |
Shopware |
Simple PHP Poll |
SimpleInvoices |
SimplePie |
SiteDove |
Sizzle |
Smarty |
Soholaunch |
SOPlanning |
SQLiteManager |
SquirrelMail |
StatusNet |
Storytlr |
SugarCRM |
SuiteCRM |
SuperCali |
Support Incident Tracker |
SurfShopCART |
SVNManager |
Symfony |
TangoBB |
TaskFreak |
TCExam |
TestLink |
Textpattern |
The Bug Genie |
TheHostingTool |
Thelia 2 |
Tine 2.0 |
Tiny Tiny RSS |
TinyWebGallery |
todoyu |
TomatoCart |
Traq |
Trellis Desk |
u-Auctions |
UIkit |
Unclassified NewsBoard |
Vanilla |
videoDB |
VidiScript |
Vision Helpdesk |
Vtiger |
Vty |
Vue.js |
VX Guestbook |
wallabag |
Webasyst |
WebCalendar |
WebCollab |
webERP |
WeBid |
Webinsta Maillist |
WebMail Lite |
webtrees |
WideImage |
WikkaWiki |
Word Search Puzzle |
WordPress |
X-Cart |
XCloner |
Xerte Online Toolkits |
Yclas |
YetiForce |
yii |
Zen Cart |
Zenbership |
Zend |
Zenphoto |
ZenTao |
Zeuscart |
Zurmo |
A one-click installer makes it easy to build a web application. Just enter some basic information, click a button, and your website will be up and running in minutes.
If you can't find the app you want in our list, you can still manually install it by uploading the files via FTP. However, some advanced apps may require using our Cloud Compute plan.