Hawk Host Blog

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Hawk Host Multiple Locations

Posted on Sun Mar 9, 2008 by Tony Baird

For a little while now Hawk Host has had the option of opening up a new location for hosting customers. Our provider this year is expanding out into multiple locations and bringing their tools to these locations. Our provider gives us the ability to manage all our servers without actually being physically there which a lot of providers cannot do at this point in time. So what I’m wondering is do any of our customers have any interest in having accounts hosted somewhere other than Dallas Texas? Read More

Hawk Host Happenings

Posted on Wed Mar 5, 2008 by Tony Baird

There hasn’t been a post on here since February 20th so I figured it was time to at least post something.  It’s been a pretty quiet few weeks around here nothing to exciting going on.  There was some network maintenance on March 3rd that went without any issues.  Previously to that on the 15th of February we patched a very serious kernel exploit on the Venus server.  We were lucky enough not to get exploited but a lot of larger hosts got hit by it before it was even known, so I guess we were lucky in that regards. Read More

Site Builder coming to Hawk Host

Posted on Wed Feb 20, 2008 by Tony Baird

We’ve been listening to everyone whether it be shared customers or resellers there has been many requests for a site builder.  We have finally made a decision on the software we will be using.  So within the next week expect to see RVSiteBuilder on all servers as well as an announcement on our forums about it.  We hope this will fill the need for a site builder at Hawk Host. Read More

PHP 5.3 lots of fun

Posted on Sat Feb 16, 2008 by Tony Baird

I’ve been reading around the internet a lot recently about PHP 5.3 and how it is going to include a lot of the features there were slated for PHP6.  I see it as an attempt to give users all the features they need because hosting providers were in no way going to upgrade to PHP6 once it was released until 6.1 came along or 6+ months later at the earliest.  This of course does not apply to Hawk Host as we had plans on running PHP6 as an option (chooseable like PHP4 and PHP5 right now) as soon as PHP6 hits a point where there aren’t releases after few seconds.  So most likely the first stable release or one of the more later release candidates. Read More

Install Ruby on Rails on cPanel Part 2

Posted on Fri Feb 8, 2008 by Tony Baird

We recently installed Ruby on Rails on some other servers and double checked some of the old servers to find something very troubling.  Ruby on Rails was not actually functioning on the servers anymore and on the new machines it never worked at all! Read More

Valentines Deal

Posted on Wed Feb 6, 2008 by Tony Baird

Zend Framework 1.5 Thoughts

Posted on Sun Feb 3, 2008 by Tony Baird

Here at Hawk Host we use Zend Framework for various applications which right now most are not online and will not be any time soon. I cannot even reveal most of the applications because they’re simply not ready to be announced. So I’d say we make heavy use of Zend Framework and I guess the only part which we don’t is our website which currently uses a framework I made, but that may change in the future. Read More

Web Host Support Secret

Posted on Mon Jan 28, 2008 by Tony Baird

Customers are always asking us how in the world do we respond to tickets so fast at the most random of times. Well I’ve decided to reveal that secret to the world and trust me it’ll surprise you! Our secret is Cyborgs or more specifically the ones that you see in Terminator. Read More

Lets Go PHP5

Posted on Mon Jan 21, 2008 by Tony Baird

Go PHP5I felt it was time to just come out and say it. It’s time every Hawk Host customers goes PHP5 and that will happen by default starting February 1st. PHP5 includes lots of great improvements which are not compatible with PHP4 resulting in most developers currently not taking advantage of the features. As a result of this even scripts compatible with PHP5 are simply PHP4 scripts with a few fixes to make it work in both versions. As a result the new features are not being taken advantage of by developers and the blame is on hosts like us and you the web site. Read More

Hard Drive Failure Without Down Time

Posted on Fri Jan 18, 2008 by Tony Baird

Hard Drive FailureI constantly read about web hosts who lose a hard drive then the server is down for days because data has to be restored via backups. I shake my head every time I read about this as you know 99% of them are not running any form of raid. These hosts figure what are the chances the hard drives are going to fail? I can tell you the chances are much higher than they think and that’s a big reason why we use raid or specifically raid-10 (4 drives)and we make sure all servers the drives are hot swappable. Read More

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