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Zend Framework 1.7.4 Released

Posted on Fri Feb 6, 2009 by Tony Baird

Zend Framework 1.7.4 was released on Monday and all our servers have once again been updated to have the latest version included in the library folder for php.  Not a whole lot to talk about here it’s a maintenance release to fix a few bugs.   Here’s a list of what was fixed in this version: Read More

LiteSpeed 4.0 RC1

Posted on Thu Feb 5, 2009 by Tony Baird

The LiteSpeed 4.0 RC1 has been released which if things go as planned when we switched no one even noticed us switching to it.  Since we’ve started using LiteSpeed we’ve been using the 4.0 Beta’s as it had support for SSI which meant no dealing with Apache at all.  I personally reported numerous bugs to them and investigated all sorts of oddities with things so we could have a very stable web server with SSI support.  So we’re to that point and I received a mention on their forum about the RC1 release: http://www.litespeedtech.com/support/forum/showthread.php?t=2677 .  I should not receive all the credit though it’s all our customers with their various usage patterns which helped find all these bugs.  I thought it was worth posting about real quick but other than that no real news.  The new site is being worked on and should be up in a few weeks hopefully. Read More


Posted on Sat Jan 31, 2009 by Tony Baird

For the past few days I’ve been playing around with eAccelerator on one of our hosting machines.  Sounds pretty bad, but it’s completely controlled and I was quite confident it would run just fine.  It is running just fine and has been for a few days and overall it’s made a tiny difference in overall load but not to much.   The reason for this is the machine is not having issues with PHP serving but something else.  But the caching of compiled PHP scripts still reduces CPU usage a bit and speeds up how quickly PHP pages load so it’s still worth it. Read More

CentOS 5.3

Posted on Thu Jan 29, 2009 by Tony Baird

With Red Hat Enterprise 5.3 released I figured it was time to talk about CentOS 5.3 which is an almost identical copy to RHEL.  As always Hawk Host runs the latest and greatest so CentOS 5.3 will be showing up on our servers once it’s available.  For the most part like any upgrade it’s seamless no one notices as package updates don’t mean any reboots or down time.  This is one thing worth noting though and that’s a new kernel!  So within the next month there are going to be maintenance notices for every machine to have a 5-10 minute down time in order to reboot the machine.  So that’s means users making tickets during the reboots as they fail to keep up with maintenance notices.  Even if we sent emails about this sort of maintenance notice we’d have complaints that this is unacceptable or they do not want maintenance notices at all.  Those are the few that do read them as most do not after our experience with the reseller name server IP change where a large amount of resellers did not bother to change IP’s until their sites went down. Read More

I'm Back!

Posted on Fri Jan 23, 2009 by cody

Albeit most people likely didn’t notice - I’ve been MIA for the past couple of months. The reason behind it is my fiance and I moved to New York (from California) - in a Jeep pulling a 12x6 trailer. Read More

Migrations Completed

Posted on Mon Jan 19, 2009 by Tony Baird

For the past two weeks or so we’ve been upgrading all servers to Xeon 5000 series CPU’s, CentOS 5 and 64 bit.  This is finally completed and all our servers are up to the same hardware specifications.  One machine is not 64bit but it was already running high end hardware so we felt it wasn’t a necessary switch.  So this was all completed late last week which meant my 16 hour days were over and I had to no longer worry about migrating accounts.  Being the control freak that I am I made it my duty to complete this all as I had done this before.  Along with that our LiteSpeed setup has drastically improved in terms of compatibility and speed. We’ve worked with them to solve problems we encountered with compatibility.  We have also made tweaks to the setup to improve performance compared to the original deployment of LiteSpeed.  The improvements were nothing to major but in some odd cases it might improve things.  A real learning as you go situation which is always the case with software.  Even to this day every single cPanel trick isn’t known and once in a while a new thing is figured out. Read More

LiteSpeed Thoughts

Posted on Thu Jan 8, 2009 by Tony Baird

We’ve been running LiteSpeed on all our servers with Intel Xeon 5430’s for quite a few days now and I figured it was time to post my thoughts on this whole thing. Read More

Our Mascot

Posted on Sun Jan 4, 2009 by Tony Baird

I wanted to talk about LiteSpeed today but since our Mascot is completed I thought it was worth sharing.  We had originally planned on having our new site completed by now, but as always issues with designers and we fall behind on such a goal.  We’re starting to move along now with that so hopefully it won’t be months down the line considering all the changes we’ve made lately that are not on our site.  So here’s our Mascot he’s basically the Hawk Host super hero.  I have no idea what we’re calling him. Read More

LiteSpeed Here We Come

Posted on Sun Dec 28, 2008 by Tony Baird

Tomorrow our first server will see it’s switch over to LiteSpeed.  We choose Jupiter as it has the least users making it the most logical choice as the first server in production to be switched over.  We do not anticipate any problems and expect to have it on other servers within no time (maintenance notices posted for the first three machines). Read More

Cleaning Up The CDP Server

Posted on Tue Dec 23, 2008 by Tony Baird

It’s another day another exciting task for me to do at Hawk Host ;) When we were investigating the corruption problem on the CDP server I noticed we did not really have backups spread out well or in some cases there would be 3 servers at one time and at other times none going on at all.  So today I figured it was time to fix that and here’s our new schedule: Read More

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