Hawk Host Blog

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Droid2 - What can this sucker do?

Posted on Mon Aug 23, 2010 by cody

After several instances where my old phone had proven inadequate for my job I finally decided to get a smartphone. I wasn’t sure what to go with so after careful deliberation I opted for the new Droid 2. Read More

Hawk Host August 2010 News

Posted on Sun Aug 8, 2010 by Tony Baird

I cannot believe that it’s already August it felt like just yesterday I was talking about how 2010 was finally here.  It’s about a good time to post about all the interesting things that have happened in July and what is coming in August. Read More

TMUX – The Terminal Multiplexer (Part 2)

Posted on Fri Jul 2, 2010 by cody

In part 1 I went over the basics of tmux and how to utilize its basic features. In this portion I’m going to dive a bit more into customizing tmux to make it easier and prettier to work with. I’ll also give some examples on how to utilize the client/server model. Read More

TMUX - The Terminal Multiplexer (Part 1)

Posted on Mon Jun 28, 2010 by cody

tmux is similar to screen as it lets you run numerous TTY’s in the same terminal window. It supports some very cool and intuitive features natively as well as a much more readable configuration syntax (ever looked at a .screenrc file?). Read More

New Blog Theme Twenty Ten

Posted on Mon Jun 21, 2010 by Tony Baird

You may have noticed if you visit our blog once in a while the theme has just changed.  I noticed the release of wordpress 3.0 included a new theme so I wanted to check it out.  To my surprise I actually like it for it’s simplicity plus supporting some of the new features.  Like you may notice right now we have the “New” Hawk Host logo displayed on the header of the blog rather than some generic picture one.  So right there it is more Hawk Host like then our previous theme.  You can do a lot more than that apparently as well Read More

Medal of Honor Beta

Posted on Mon Jun 21, 2010 by Tony Baird

If you’re a gamer and you haven’t been living under a rock you’d know the new Medal of Honor is coming out October 12th 2010.  Something more right now is the fact the multiplayer beta has started and yours truly has the beta.  I suppose a large majority of people have the beta as I believe you just need Battlefield Bad Company 2 as well as a pre-order of Medal of Honor.  So I’m not really that special but I figured I’d talk about the game since I know what I’m talking about. Read More

It's been a while

Posted on Thu Jun 10, 2010 by Tony Baird

It has been a while since we’ve had a blog post about anything so I thought it would be a good idea to just talk about what is going on.  Obviously we’ve been very busy keeping up with our growth along with improving our internal tools and other backend systems. Read More

Quick Softaculous Praise

Posted on Sun Apr 25, 2010 by Tony Baird

I talked about Softaculous before but I wanted to just praise them yet again and what an excellent choice we made adding them and promoting it over Fantastico whenever we can.  Obviously we cannot remove Fantastico for marketing reasons but Softaculous is always what we recommend the users use. Read More

How to Install and Configure Litespeed for cPanel

Posted on Fri Apr 23, 2010 by Tony Baird

Unless you’ve been living under a rock you know we run Litespeed and have so for a year now.  I’ve noticed since we’ve been using Litespeed the installation information and tutorials as far as setting it up in a cPanel environment have become really out of date.  This could be my fault with asking for fixes and features to be added to cater to cPanel and solve various problems.  Obviously I don’t know if that’s correct it’s me causing it but since we started using it seems like we’ve found a lot of issues relating to cPanel integration with have been fixed.  Unfortunately though the wiki entries Litespeed has on their site still reference things not necessary anymore.  So I’m going to quickly run by how to install and setup Litespeed on a cPanel server. Read More

cPanel Broken Bandwidth Tracking

Posted on Fri Apr 2, 2010 by Tony Baird

If you haven’t noticed yet on a lot of our servers specific accounts on each server do not have any bandwidth tracking what so ever.  If you’re on a shared hosting account you would only realize if your bandwidth usage has been zero.  For a reseller it’s highly likely at least one of your accounts is not tracking any bandwidth.  As it stands anyone affected by this is just being given a free ride as far as bandwidth and we’ll deal with any extra cost due to bandwidth usage not being available.  If you’re curious about the bandwidth usage of a specific site you can still retrieve this via web statistics like awstats or webalizer.  This post though is to actually talk about why it’s happening and what steps we’ve attempted to get it resolved. Read More

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