Hawk Host Blog

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Lucky number 4: San Jose

Posted on Tue Apr 26, 2011 by brian

Announced earlier today in this tweet, our infrastructure provider Softlayer has opened their San Jose facility. This is a long awaited announcement for us, as we’ve been extremely eager to open up our now fourth location. Read More

CentOS 5.6: 1TB to share

Posted on Tue Apr 19, 2011 by brian

Last week, it was announced that CentOS 5.6 was released. Since some of our internal, development, and utility machines use CentOS this is obviously a relevant upgrade to us. We’ve always followed news releases for all software very closely, and usually just act accordingly. This time though, we decided we’d have a little fun with it and turn it into a blog post. Read More

Hawk Host Report - April 2011

Posted on Mon Apr 11, 2011 by brian

This month, we’re going to do things a little bit differently with the monthly recap. We’ll still cover all the things we did the past 31 days. However, we’re also going to take the chance to introduce our new reseller plans and explain the differences from the old ones. We’ll also be mentioning our SSL certificates. First things first though, let’s discuss March! Read More

Now offering SSL certificates!

Posted on Wed Apr 6, 2011 by brian

After what seems like years and years of discussion on the topic, we’ve finally completed our SSL lineup! From this day forward you can now purchase multiple tiers of SSL certificates directly from Hawk Host. These certificates, ranging from the most basic AlphaSSL all the way up to Extended Validation, are the same certificates you can purchase from any other trusted CA. Read More

Alipay and Hawk Host - A New Era

Posted on Thu Mar 10, 2011 by brian

Well folks, the time has arrived. We’ve been talking about it for what seems like forever, but as of today (March 10th), we are now officially accepting payments for all of our hosting services using Alipay. For those of you who know what Alipay is, you’re probably just as excited as we are. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Alipay, well, keep reading! Read More

Hawk Host Report - March 2011

Posted on Sat Mar 5, 2011 by brian

Month two of 2011 is officially behind us. As such, it’s once again time to let you all know what changed, what we improved, and what to look forward to. Despite it being a short month, it was just as busy as always. This post brings some exciting news and a lot of new features never before seen at Hawk Host :) Read More

Cloud Linux 101 - What is Cloud Linux?

Posted on Mon Feb 28, 2011 by brian

Anyone who keeps up with us socially (here at the blog, on Twitter, Facebook, or our forums) knows that we’ve moved all of our shared and reseller hosting servers over to Cloud Linux. We use those words a lot too, come to think of it. So as I sit here on a peaceful Sunday night at the local coffee shop, it occurred to me that we’ve never really covered what this Cloud Linux thing is. Instead of doing what I came here to do which is mostly browse reddit and look at funny pictures on the internet, I’m going to go over what exactly Cloud Linux is, what it brings to the table, and some of the more technical aspects of it. Read More

Hawk Host Report - February 2011

Posted on Fri Feb 18, 2011 by brian

Month one of 2011 is behind us. I wouldn’t believe it if someone didn’t show me a calendar to prove it though. With how busy we’ve been all sense of time is warped, and I couldn’t tell you if it’s summer, winter, night time or day time. We’re changing things up this month and I’ll be writing this months report (I’m Brian, by the way) as Tony, our usual author, is incredibly busy doing…business things. I don’t really know what that means, but he’s the CEO and all, so I assume that means it’s important. Down to the good stuff! Read More

Hawk Host Report: January 2011

Posted on Mon Jan 17, 2011 by Tony Baird

Another year is behind us we’re already into January 2011 I cannot believe it.  The time sure does fly around here as we are always working on something.  Even when things seem silent as far as new features we’re constantly adding more hardware or making various tiny changes.  The year of 2010 was a great one for us including the month of December so now it’s time to summarize what happened last month. Read More

Boxing Day Sale - Stats and Graphs

Posted on Wed Dec 29, 2010 by brian

Since we did this for our Black Friday sale, we figured why not throw some numbers at our avid readers about the results of our Boxing Day sale. Read More

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