Hawk Host Blog

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Hawk Host and Cancer Awareness

Posted on Mon Oct 15, 2012 by Brian Farrell

As many of you are probably aware, October is officially breast cancer awareness month. Companies, organizations, charities, and individuals alike all come together to raise awareness about this disease and how it impacts all of our daily lives. For the rest of the month, we’re going to be joining this cause and will be donating money to the American Cancer Society to help fund research, awareness, and countless other critical activities to help finally find a cure. Read More

A Hawk Host Summer of Fun

Posted on Thu Aug 30, 2012 by Brian Farrell

Summer is pretty neat. The weather is nice and warm, people are generally in better spirits, you can spend all day and night outside, and perhaps best of all, summer means baseball season. In these trying times it can be difficult to stay on task and focused, especially when just outside your window is a gorgeous August day without a cloud in the sky. While we’ve had an enjoyable past few months here at Hawk Host, we’ve also been quite productive. So, what in the world have we been up to? Read More

cPanel with PowerDNS - Avoiding BIND CPU issues and woes

Posted on Thu Aug 9, 2012 by codyr

The most popular name server is ISCs BIND. It’s been the market leader in name servers since the very beginning and has proven to be a reliable workhorse with robust features and reliable updates. It also has some issues that are affecting Hawk Host. Read More

Hawk Host Semi-Dedicated Plans Now Available :)

Posted on Thu Aug 2, 2012 by Brian Farrell

We’ve been in the hosting business a long time now (just over 8 years). In that time we’ve grown by offering features our competitors don’t, support few can match, and prices well below industry standard. Part of staying ahead of that curve is constantly innovating and releasing new products. We’ve developed our own software, customized our environments almost to the point of tedium, and have launched new products consistent with market trends. Our next move is perhaps our most exciting yet, and it comes in the way of semi-dedicated hosting plans. Read More

Hawk Host at HostingCon 2012

Posted on Wed Jul 25, 2012 by Brian Farrell

For the first time in company history, some of our management team left their comfortable office chairs and went to a real life hosting convention. Not just any convention though, we went to “the big one”, that being HostingCon. This year it was in Boston, MA which is right around the corner (only 8 hours!) from our Buffalo office. We decided that driving would be the most opportune way to get there, because hey, we’ll probably need a car while we’re there. What a mistake that line of thought was, and I can safely say we’ll be flying down to next years convention in Austin, TX. Now as for this years convention… Read More

A Drinking Town With a Hockey Problem

Posted on Sat Jul 21, 2012 by Brian Farrell

We’re going a little ‘off the cuff’ today with this post, and it’ll have almost nothing to do with web hosting. About the only thing this post has to do with hosting, Hawk Host, or even the internet in general is that we have an office in Buffalo. Everybody here loves hockey, specifically Buffalo Sabres hockey. When you live in a city where the average temperature on any given winter day is around 20F and had it’s prime back in the late 1800s/early 1900s, you need to find something to do. That is why we’re known as a drinking town with a hockey problem. But I’ll be damned if you can find a group of people with more pride in their city, or sports teams, than us Buffalonians. Read More

Wordpress 3.4 Released

Posted on Thu Jun 14, 2012 by Tony Baird

We don’t usually post about a WordPress updates but this is one I was excited about for awhile as there were promises of performance improvements.  These improvements come in the form of WordPress MySQL Query improvements.  When you have a lot of posts on your WordPress installation it starts creating large temporary tables.  From what people have been posting in the initial tracker ticket about this it should significantly improve performance when a WordPress installation has a large number of posts.  We hope this holds true for all our customers as we’re constantly seeing slow and intensive queries exactly like were described in the ticket issue from a lot of our users. Read More

cPanel 11.32 Reaches STABLE

Posted on Sat Apr 28, 2012 by Tony Baird

If you did not know yet cPanel 11.32 hit the RELEASE builds a little while ago and this week finally made it’s way to STABLE which is the most conservative version of cPanel.  We run RELEASE but with every major version from cPanel we’re more cautious holding back upgrading our servers until it reaches STABLE builds.  The reason being usually upon the initial release there are stability issues so we let others take the initial plunge.  The great news is though we’re preparing to take that plunge on Monday with all our servers being upgraded to 11.32. Read More

PHP 5.4 Now supported!

Posted on Thu Apr 5, 2012 by codyr

We’re happy to announce we officially support PHP 5.4 on all of our shared web hosting packages! You’ll be able to utilize it on your account by following these instructions in our knowledge base or contacting our support department. Read More

Celebrate Leap Year with a Cheap Year

Posted on Wed Feb 29, 2012 by Brian Farrell

Every 4 years, we’re lucky enough to be given an extra day in February. This is known as a leap year, or a bissextile year, or a intercalary year. Normally we treat this as just another day (like most people), but today we feel like celebrating. So effective 12:00 AM CST through 11:59 PM CST on February 29th, we’re offering a 60% discount on all shared hosting orders. This is a one time discount valid for your first payment only. Read More

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