Posted By: Tony Baird
Last Updated: Friday October 20, 2017
On December 31st 2015 we introduced the ability to launch memcached servers from accounts. We had added this due to popular demand for the ability to easily start a memcached server. Since then we have seen inquiries to add the ability to launch Redis and we’ve seen other similar applications on accounts as well. This lead to us taking a step back and looking at a more complete solution and applying what we had learned about how our memcached feature was being used. I’m happy to introduce a much more complete solution our Application Manager (Server Application Manager in your cPanel).
On all our servers now in your cPanel you’ll see a new icon under our Software section as well as our Hawk Host links called “Server Application Manager”
When visiting the page you’ll notice a much more user friendly interface to manage all the potential applications. As of this moment you’ll see an option to launch Memcached and Redis applications:
All you need to do is click enable and the server for either of them will be setup to launch within the next five minutes. The reason for this is we no longer launch your server immediately. Instead we setup our application monitoring system to know you’d like the servers to be online. Within five minutes your servers will come online:
The reason for this system is that you no longer need to worry about your applications not being online. Whether we’re performing maintenance that requires a server reboot or your Memcached or Redis application crashes or goes offline for whatever reason you can be rest assured it will have little affect on your website as they should automatically come back online.
You’ll notice all our applications utilize sockets which only your account will have access to. This is how we’re able to offer you a secure method of utilizing such applications in a shared hosting environment.
In the future we do have intentions on offering even more applications similar to Redis and Memcached. Our development team have laid a solid foundation to make this possible in a much easier fashion than compared to previously. If you have any suggestions we encourage you to post them on our forums.
Redis is an open source in memory data structure storage. It is commonly used as a database, cache and message broker. It supports a variety of data structures such as strings, hashes and lists. Redis is a common non optional requirement for many popular Ruby on Rails applications. It can be used by many common applications such as phpBB, Magento, Xenforo (plugin) and more. It can also optinally be used in many Wordpress plugins such as WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache but in these cases we recommend using exclusively Litespeed page caching.
Memcached is a free and open source high performance memory object caching system. It’s an in memory key-value store that can be used to store arbitrary data. It can be used to speed up the performance of a website where an application is able to leverage the in memory storage. It can be used by applications such as phpBB, Invision Power Board, Xenforo, Magento and many more. It is also used by many optional Wordpress plugins such as WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache but in these cases we recommend using exclusively Litespeed page caching.