Posted By: Tony Baird
Last Updated: Wednesday February 3, 2010
The web hosting season is a long a hard one in fact the season really does not end we’re here 365 days a year. So there are bound to be some injuries some of which could put staff out 6-8 weeks others are just nagging injuries that can last weeks or months. We’ve been relatively healthy this year with nothing to take out anyone for any long amount of time. Recently we have been hit by the injury bug in the form of nagging injuries that we just play through.
I currently have a sort wrist from all the programming and working mega hours I’ve been doing lately. Sitting there programming and next thing I know I haven’t got up in 4+ hours. That’s recipe for a sort wrist or even a sore elbow or shoulder depending on the day. I lead by example though and I cannot opt for time off or rest I’m the leader of the team. I’m like Kobe I’m not opting for rest or surgery when I can continue to play through the pain.
Cody in an attempt to fix his posture opted for a new way of sitting but it has resulted in a sore back. In the long term this change will help him but for the short term it has created a nagging injury. Following my lead he is playing through the pain realizing the team needs him for our playoff push (Frog Host). He continues to receive treatment in order to play through this and we command him on his dedication to the team.
Brian has the most serious injury right now on staff. He opted to grow a beard to improve his game but it has come at a cost. His beard is now becoming problematic with that extra facial hair. He has developed a problem of food in the beard which if left untreated could develop into something that could affect him long term. He’s not going to give up his beard without a fight though and has opted for the time consuming work of cleaning it every day. He’s inspiring everyone else the most with his resilience to play through such an injury. Next time you run into him on chat or in a support ticket make sure to tell him you’re supporting the team.
We realize we’re a playoff team and this regular hosting season is just a tuneup for the serious stuff. You need to still play though which means while grueling and sometimes painful we’re there every day putting the work to make Hawk Host a success.
So if you have not realized yet just a joke post : -) My wrist is a little sore from aggravating an existing injury from playing sports by working to much lately. Cody really does have a sore back because he wants to improve his posture. Brian does indeed have a beard and look like a caveman although he doesn’t have problems with getting food in it. I just thought it be fun to post about something totally random and with no helpful information. I hope you enjoyed reading it : -)